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Daveault2 Nameless!
This article has not been given a name, as such, the name Beach Girls, is purely conjectural.
Beach Girls
File:Dj-minions-despicable me 3-2017-(9213)-728×410.htm
Beach Girls at Miami Beach. (Left and Right of two minions)
Gender Female
Eye color Both was black
Hair color One was black,one was gold

The Minions


Despicable Me 3

Voiced by

Unknown,but maybe is Tara Strong

Beach Girls is a minor characters of Despicable Me 3,It was two girls(one black skin,one white skin).


Despicable Me 3

After Lucy Wilde shot bomb to Felonious Gru and two minions's boat,they flew very high. Felonious Gru successfully boarded the ship that attacked by Balthazar Bratt,but two minions were sended to Miami Beach.They both(Minions) hit two man,and Beach Girls meet them.The Minions and Beach Girls started the party at the beach.
